Welcome!! Here is another page for all the faeries I have adopted...If you'd like to adopt any of them just click on their gift certificates.
Please don't download them from here because then you'll be a faerie napper, and I don't think you'd like that!! Enjoy your visit and hope to see
you back real soon! :o)
Here's my beautiful Mother's Day Faerie. She's here to wish all you mommies a very Happy Mother's Day!
Here's another Mother's Day Faerie. Isn't she beautiful...watching over her little fae children?
Isn't this Easter Faerie lovely? She comes from...guess where?
This Easter faerie is from Lady Hipoo's Adoption Agency. I am searching for her URl right now...
This beautiful Millenium Goddess is also from ~Angel's Chimera Dreams~...are you getting the hint that I adopt most of my faeries at ~Angel's~? That's because she is very talented as well as a very nice person. Go visit her page!! :o)
This JesterFae was adopted at ~Angel's Chimera Dreams~ for April Fool's Day! Click on the certificate to adopt your own!
Isn't this St. Patty's Day Pixie lovely? I adopted here at the Enchanted Hollow...click on her certificate to get your own! :o)
Here are my St. Patrick's Day faeries Pat and Paty. Aren't they just cute? :o) Click on their certificate to get your own.
Well, I can't find the certificate for these faeries, so until I do I will place a written link here to AngelFae's ChimeraDreams. To adopt your own kissing faeries click on the written link!
Above is my Chinese New Year's Faerie...isn't she beautiful?
Don't you just love my StepDance Faeries? I think they are sooo adorable!!
This faerie is another one of my favorites...
These faeries are from my faerie family @ the Site Fights...aren't they lovely?
I hope you enjoyed meeting my new faeries...Come back soon!!